Modiv Legacy – Australian Legacy Manufacturing Search Fund

You’ve built a sustainable profitable manufacturing business with a great team,
and you deserve a succession plan to be excited about.

Modiv legacy, founded by two complementary and grounded entrepreneurs, is an Australian based
search fund with the backing of a group of experienced mentor-investors.
Our mission is to acquire one or two profitable Legacy Australian Manufacturers.

We will be honorable and fair in our dealings with you.
We understand the value of the momentum you have built, and what it takes to scale a
manufacturing startup successfully – as you have achieved over decades of change! 
We will protect the team and upskill where appropriate, in order to innovate and grow further.

Our particular value-add is our proven innovative entrepreneurial team, our executive experience within
manufacturing, our technical and design abilities, and applying the right industry 4.0 technology to
move your business forward into the next chapters of its life.